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Call me: (33) 6-52 47 55 23


I work with space as a powerful support for the expansion of consciousness.

Faithful to Satyananda yoga, the teaching of Martin, aka Mantratirtha, develops awareness and creativity in every aspect of daily life.

A typical class consists of posture, movement, breathing, mantra and meditation.

Call me to know more!

T. +33 6 52 47 55 23


In the rituals I organize we use a multi sensory approach, where, apart from the body and mind, they are performed in a physical space designed to work on the same qualities as we do in the weekly classes, but in a different medium. My extensive experiences from autheintic rituals in the different Satyananda ashrams and centers I’ve stayed in, together with my years of working as an architect, has enabled me to take on this murlti sensorial approach.

Weekly classes

Taught in the Satyananda tradition a typical class includes asana, pranayama, mantra and meditation. The point if departure of these classes is the body, through which you will develop an increased awareness of the physical space around you as well as the internal space of your subconsciousness.