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Call me: (33) 6-52 47 55 23


I work with space as a powerful support for the expansion of consciousness.

The effect works not only for the people in direct contact with the spaces we create, but also for those who are in the vicinity of it, as well as the world at large, and beyond. 

“For the want of a nail the shoe was lost,
For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”

                                          ― Benjamin Franklin

T. +33 6 52 47 55 23

Qualities of the spaces I create





Natural materials

Bioclimatic architecture




Spiritual architecture


Assessment and discussion

I visit your place to assess and listen to what you want to achieve with the project.

Scenarios for intervention

According to our talk I write a report with different scenarios for intervention. 


I accompany you as you improve the energetic qualities of your place.


In close collaboration with you I design the whole project.


I take care of the implementation of the project we’ve designed.

Who am I

A professional yet sensitive and conscious space-worker

With my unique background combination in art, yoga and architect I have developed many sought-after qualities.

Extensive mindbody training

Burning passion for the environment

Rooted in hands-on crafts

Deeply attentive to your needs

The artist's creative eye

Featured project

Goizeko Izarra Artists’ Studios

Year:           2021 – 2024
Type:           Individual house
Location:    Halsou, France
Area:            79 m2
Role:            Architect and project manager

Two artist/architect and artist studios. It is a wooden structure, the reason being the qualities for the environment and the internal quality for users. The new building is connected to the one that was already there by a terrace, which gives a creative dynamics to the property.