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When doing a painting I consider that the canvas and construction of the frame are as valuable as the painted image. I chooses whether the created object should be seen as an object in space, or as a delimiter of this space.


I choose whether the work should be seen by people, or whether it should act according to the other energies that surround it, having an indirect impact. I take into account the play of consciousness between the creator and the spectator, and between the creator and the sensory environment.


To not fall into the possible seriousness and discipline often found in spiritual traditions and methods of self development, I included the word ‘dada’ in the name of DadaBhum. Dada is an echo of the artistic movement Dada which invites us to take the edge off the seriousness through a playful or absurd approach.  


It comes from the Sanskrit word Bhumi, which means land. It reminds us to stay rooted.

Martin Ceder

aka Mantratirtha


DadaBhum is a result of my professional backgrounds

  •       art       •        yoga        •        architecture       •

I come from Sweden and live in France. While studying fine arts and then architecture, I began practicing yoga to more consciously connect mind and body. I worked eight years full time as an architect, which enabled me to concretize my exploration in a professional setting. After that, when I moved to France, I taught yoga for six years, while doing two architecture projects to meet my passion and talent for designing of the sensory environment. Now I am developing DadaBhum, an amalgam between, art, yoga and architecturet.