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Inverted Nature 3

Inverted Nature 3


Date: 2020-03-20 to 2021-03-20

Frequency: One session each day

Time: In the morning for the body-mind session. I
start off the making of one artefact each day. They will be published
here on the website as they are done. 

Location: Changes according the context


Since the spring equinox, on the 20th of March, I have started a series of artworks that are created in connection with my daily body-mind practice. It is a continuation of the previous body-mind practices I have done; Rota Vicentina, Inverted Nature 1 and Inverted Nature 2. It will last for one year, until the spring equinox 2021.


I use the word artefacts for physical objects I create after form the body-mind session, since it can be argued that even the body-mind session is an artwork, as is this project as a whole. The choice of doing artefacts is to have one part of the project where I interact with materiality. This project is composed of two central aspects of yoga; hatha yoga and karma yoga. Hatha yoga focuses on the body, while karma yoga focuses on the physical environment that surrounds us. Whether the body or the physical surroundings, it is how they effect the mind that interests me.

Group, untitled

Group, untitled

Group, untitled

Group, untitled

Group, untitled

Group, untitled

Group, untitled